Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Encouragement Can Make Your Day

(St. Barnabas the Encourager - Google Images)
on the Internet
(This is your mid-week Christian power
surge with Pastor Mike Fonfara, D.Min.)
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Pentecost Season, Week 3

Hello, faithful witnesses.
This week's Wednesday Church on the Internet focuses upon the spiritual practice of "encouragement." Christians do not encourage one another and potential converts enough. Life is tough! We need much positive motivation to thrive as God's people. Whether received or given, encouragement is a
heavenly gift that picks-up and motivates other people. Give it a try.
Pastor Mike Fonfara
"Encouragement excites the soul just
like a great taste excites the palate."
- Pastor Mike

Come, let us open our souls to worship God!
Come, let us open our hearts to worship Jesus!
Come, let us open our minds to worship to the Holy Spirit!
Come, let us worship the great Almighty with our whole being!


Gracious God,

We are imperfect people trying to honor You with our lives. We try hard. Every day, we confront evil that is real and devil  minions that are tricky. When we fail, encourage us to strengthen our faith resolve enough to try again. Please have mercy upon us and forgive our sins. Help us to do better in this forgiven life today and in the Christian living that lies ahead. Thank you!


(Google Images)
TODAY'S SCRIPTURE                  Acts 20:1-2 (NIV)
"When the uproar had ended, Paul sent for the disciples, and, after encouraging them , said good-bye and set out for Macedonia. He traveled through that area, speaking many words of encouragement to the people, and finally arrived in Greece, where he stayed three months."
MESSAGE               "Let Encouragement Fly!"
When thinking about biblical characters, many people know Barnabas as the "Encourager." Paul ranks just as high as Barnabas on the use of this specific spiritual tool. Encouragement is a discipleship must!
What is encouragement? For me, it is a Christian tool that lifts the spirit of people to strive for faith effectiveness in their lives. What do you think it is? 
Everybody needs encouragement. Christian living without giving and receiving it gets harder by the day! So, we all need to be like Paul and Barnabas giving as well as receiving encouraging words, applause, hugs, praise, etc.
Let me be the first to begin. Know this. Jesus loves us. This I know because the Bible tell us so! (I apologize to the hymn writer.) Now, it is your turn.
Dear God,
Everything around us, encourages life. The sun shines. Birds sing. Flowers blossom. We live abundantly. You elate us. Let us join the encouragement parade and get in step with the rest of creation.
Go into the rest of this day with a song in your heart, a smile on your face, and encouraging words in your speech. Let these happiness elements become habitual.
(Otters Encouraging Each Other - Google Images)
This week cannot pass without acknowledging that Flag Day is Friday, June 14th. It is an often forgotten celebration. Why?
The citizenry has lost the power that "Old Glory" holds. What is that power? It is pride arising in the heart when the "Stars and Stripes" firmly wave in the wind, the love of country when a small child waves the flag as veterans march in a parade, and the mind's resolve to keep freedom alive forever. It's time that each of us keep respect for "Old Glory" and encourage others to do the same.  
Please join me in this Flag Day prayer.
O God of Liberty,
The "Red, White, and Blue" speaks of the sacrifices made for today's national freedoms. Now, it is our turn to keep freedom alive. There are no easy answers here. Strengthen us with the Holy Spirit's wisdom for the decisions that must be made, the citizenship duties that must be done, and courage to make Christianity alive in every part of society. Every time we see the American flag, O God, reminded us that the U.S.A. must  continue as a beacon of freedom's light for the world.
Pastor Mike Fonfara
That is all for this week's Wednesday Church. Thanks for worshipping with me. Come back next Wednesday when a new church service will be posted by 5 a.m. on June 19th. Please let other people know about this blog. The easiest way is to share it to Facebook by clicking on the "f" box at the end of your message.  If you prefer, you can give the blog address, www.wednesdaychurch.blogspot.com. Let's grow this ministry together. Thanks again!
Pastor Mike Fonfara, D.Min.
(Google Images)


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