Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Take Time to Care for Your Soul's Garden

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on the Internet
(This is your mid-week Christian power
surge with Pastor Mike Fonfara, D.Min.)
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Pentecost Season, Week 2
 Greetings, site visitors!
It is nice to be on the Internet again. A computer malfunction last week kept Wednesday Church off the air. Today, Church is back with more praise power than ever! 
By this time of spring, most garden lovers have tilled the soil and planted for their favorite produce. They have used the best of everything because the following rule is true. Gardeners reap what they sow!
This rule is true for all of life. We reap what we sow, too! 
Today's Wednesday Church thanks God for the privilege of sowing good Christian seeds our soul's garden claiming the promise to harvest fruitful as well as faithful living.
Thank you for joining me for this time of Wednesday Church.
(Come, Lord Jesus!) 
Pastor Mike
Opening Thoughts ...
Don't waste precious time gardening in toxic
worldly plots. Instead, invest joyful time in your 
soul's garden and reap heavenly rewards.
All faithful people, arise!  It is time to begin sowing the seeds of righteousness. It all begins with giving praise and thanksgiving to God for the privilege as well as power of serving all the creation.
Let us worship God!
We bow before your majesty, O God, and confess that we sin.  Most of the time, our intentions are good. Still, we mess-up by doing things our way and not your way. Please forgive our foolish sins in Jesus Christ's name. Set us again on the right path that brings honor to your holy name. Thank you for your mercy. Amen.
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TODAY'S SCRIPTURE           2 Corinthians 9:6  (NIV)
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will
also reap sparingly, and whoever sows
generously will also reap generously.
MESSAGE      "Make Your Soul's Garden Thrive!"
Every soul possesses fertile ground for a garden. Take care of it and you will enjoy a strong spirituality. Ignore it and you will suffer from a sorry spiritual life. The choice is yours to make.
(Here is a special note for my Native American sisters and brothers. Our ways demand a mature spiritual orientation. Our ancestors and today's elders work overtime to ensure our connection with the Great Spirit, God, or whatever our tribes calls this loving and life-giving energy. You know what I mean. While I prepare Wednesday Church as a Christian pastor, you know that our soul gardens have lots of red soil. Let's tend them together.)
If you are still with me, I assume that you join me in wanting the best faith experience possible. The challenge is nurturing the soul's garden according to the Creator's way in order to reap a magnificent harvest.
The following practices are ways that I have enriched my soul through regular usage. 
1. Through prayer, ask the Holy Spirit to help you develop your spiritual garden. The Holy Spirit is God's presence in our lives 24/7. It works for our spiritual benefit. Just ask!    
2. Embrace silence. God speaks to us on a regular basis. It's too bad that many lives are so loud that God's voice cannot compete. Regular periods of silence are essential for a vibrant spirituality.
3. Seek to live with the same attitudes that Jesus exhibited. Read Philippians 2:5 for instruction on this matter. We must have a Christ-style of living.
4. Study the Scriptures with a good commentary book. Don't try to know everything. Just remember and employ the few highlights that speak strongly to your life.     


5. Be kind to self and others. Some Christians are so judgmental that I am repulsed by their attitudes and demeanor. You cannot force someone else into God's Kingdom. You can only walk with them hand-in-hand. Along your "together path," they may learn - like yourself - to love God, self, and others as Christ loves everyone.
Well, this is all for now. These are a few of my ideas. If you have a faith practice with special spiritual benefits, please send me (mefonfara@gmail.com) a short description of this meaningful activity, ritual, or rite. I will try to work it into a future Wednesday Church blog. Make sure to include your name as I am a stickler for giving credit. Thanks!
Pastor Mike
God of all life,
I have gathered everything necessary for my soul's garden. With thankfulness in my heart, I ask that you bless my plantings of goodness. May the fruits of my efforts highlight your magnificence and bring glory to your daily presence in all life.
Let's go through life sowing seeds of
goodness with these inspirational words.
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1. Did you know that one of the fastest growing Christian ministries is church sponsored gardening? That's right. Congregations around the world are using idle church property for gardens tended by church members and community volunteers. Harvests go to nearby hungry neighbors, local food banks, and the gardeners themselves. Due to this ministry, some un-churched locals are attending Sunday worship. Gardens are seen as evangelism in action!
2. Enjoy this daily prayer from the Lakota Native Americans.
Let us give thanks for this beautiful day.
Let us give thanks for this life.
Let us give thanks for the water without which life could not
be possible.
Let us give thanks for Grandmother earth who protects and
nourishes us.
(This prayer found in Helen Exley's book The Song of Life.)
  Bless you, nice folks! That is all for this Wednesday Church. 
Thanks again for joining today's Internet congregation. Please visit again next week when new material will be posted by Wednesday, June 12th at 5 a.m. Remember, this social media Wednesday Church is your mid-week power surge. Encourage your friends to join us at the blog address, www.wednesdaychurch.blogspot.com. You could share this blog to Facebook. Let's grow this ministry together. Thanks again for your participation!
Rev. Mike Fonfara
(African Violet Beauties by Pastor Mike)

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